Old Logo...
It was agreed as a group that G-Star appear to have struggled with establishing a strong logo and have experimented with a handful of variations over the years. As a result, research was undertaken into what makes a logo distinctive in order to redesign the current concept. According to the ‘5 Steps of Effective Logo Design’ a logo must be: simple, memorable, versatile, timeless and appropriate in order to be deemed as a successful design (Cass, 2009). As initially suggested within Gestalt Psychological theories, sharp-edged shapes including triangles and stars signify stability and balance, with triangles in particular often associated with power. Similarly, circular shapes evoke positivity and endurance; traits that can prove effective in relation to a brand (Gabay, 2015, P.20). Underlining why the group decided to incorporate both circular shapes and a star within the logo, particularly as the latter also signifies the brand name of ‘G-Star’.
The brand was initially named ‘Gap Star’ however, it was shortened to ‘G-Star’ upon the request of GAP due to the similarity between their brand names. After the brand’s success with their “Raw” line of jeans, using unwashed, untreated denim, the brand added this to their name, thus creating “G-Star Raw” (Men Look, n.d.). Following our primary research into how consumers refer to the brand, it was identified that many abbreviate the name and use ‘G-Star’ as opposed to ‘G-Star Raw’ therefore the authors dropped the ‘Raw’ in order to coincide with the new logo design. The authors believe this would take G-Star back to their roots as well as making them more current for today’s consumer.
New Logo...